‘Every day is a challenge, but we nurses are made of different metal, we never give up’

David Ramsamy
David Ramsamy

Hello, I am and international nurse coming from a tropical island and writing is my passion but I have not written anything for eight or nine months because I had to settle down here first and, though my wife and I got help from our trust, it is not that easy.

New style of living, new school for my five years old son and new weather. The first time we saw snow, amazing , we enjoyed it, but days were so cold.

“It is amazing and frustrating how my 13 years of experience as a nurse could equal to nearly zero”

David Ramsamy

After our OSCE we had to change accommodation. In the meantime, we had to start working in the ward and our son was adapting himself with a new learning system, everything was going so fast.

But we were here because we love our profession and here we have the opportunity to increase our knowledge, and we knew nursing was so vast compared to in our homeland.

For my part, I can say that I struggled. It is amazing and frustrating at the same time how my 13 years of experience as a nurse working in different departments could equal to nearly zero; that was the feeling I got.

A new system of working, almost everything is computerised, observations, investigations, medications, referral and much more.

Sometimes, I got that feeling that patients I worked with lacked more human approaches, as hours are spent on computers. But that was the system here and I had to go with the flow.

With time, I was quicker and managed to balance both, although I do still think that we could do more with patients than on these computers.

The regrettable aspect of this adventure is, unfortunately, leaving our family, our parents, and sadly I lost my mother last month.

I was devastated but with the help of my wife, my colleagues, friends and my superiors, I was able to overcome this difficult moment.

Every day is a challenge, but we nurses are made of a different metal, we never give up, battles after battles we continue to advance forward , nothing can stop us to alleviate pain, recomfort, bring a smile, always making sure that patients get the best possible nursing care.

David Ramsamy is an overseas nurse working at Scunthorpe General Hospital, part of Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust

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